Laura McKee

Laura McKee

Migraine Patient Stories

Laura is a former primary school teacher, blogger, poet, and jeweller living in Sussex.

  • Living With Condition: 11 Years
  • Location: Sussex, United Kingdom

About Laura McKee

Laura is a positive-thinking mum of two teenage boys and is happily married to Joel.

Always keeping busy, Laura started her own business, Paprika Jewellery & Accessories, after she began making jewellery as a distraction from her pain. In her spare time, she writes poetry to explore her mental health and well-being.

Laura writes about using positive thinking so she and her family can live their best lives. She hopes to inspire others to find their sense of purpose.

History of the Condition 

Laura is a chronic “migraineur” who sadly had to give up her 14-and-a-half-year teaching career after developing a debilitating brain condition in 2014. Looking for a purpose, she pursued her life-long love of writing and started her blog, "Strength of Tears."

Over time, Laura's blog evolved into raising awareness of disabilities, chronic illness's impact on family life, and the effects on mental health.

Laura also runs a Twitter account, which shares advice and articles from chronic illness charities, researchers, and other bloggers worldwide.

Laura Says: 

"At 36, I was diagnosed with chronic migraine. A headache specialist confirmed that I'd lived with undiagnosed migraine since puberty.

"In 2014, I had what I thought was a migraine attack, but the pain was constant for weeks. Nothing my neurologists tried helped.

"I noticed some new symptoms a few months later and found a specialist ENT surgeon in Cambridge. He diagnosed Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH), a rare and incurable brain condition.

"When my neurologists found out, they disagreed with the diagnosis. They refused to treat me, even for migraines.

"My symptoms are atypical and similar to my worst migraines, but I knew the difference. My condition deteriorated quickly, but I was too late for the Cambridge team's medical trial and had to wait 18 months for treatment.

"I felt like I'd been left by the wayside. Eventually, my GP diagnosed me with depression and anxiety. The situation was tough on my husband and sons, who became my primary carers.

"Despite some improvement, my illnesses are still debilitating. My cognitive function has improved, but I need mobility aids, such as a stair lift and wheelchair, because of my poor balance.

"I have a carer come in daily, and they've become part of the family team! We support each other's mental well-being and ensure every day is filled with love and laughter."

Articles By Laura McKee

Female migraine patient’s hand holding a pocket watch signifying brain fog and time blindness

The Link between Migraine and Brain Fog & 15 Ways to Beat the Brain Fuzz

By Laura McKee
Read more

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Date of preparation: March 2024
D: COB-GB-NP-00453 (V1.0) / T: COB-GB-NP-00451 (V1.0) / M: COB-GB-NP-00452 (V1.0)