Sarah Rathsack

Sarah Rathsack

Migraine Patient Stories

Sarah Rathsack has lived with migraine since age five. Her condition has been classified as chronic for over ten years.

  • Living with Condition: 32 Years
  • Location: Ohio, United States

About Sarah Rathsack

Sarah is a mother, wife, daughter, teacher, dog lover, and traveller who searches for ways to live the healthiest and happiest life possible.

She has also created a blog to let people know they aren't alone, hoping to motivate and educate others on migraine. 

Sarah Says:

"I started having migraines at age five. However, I wasn't diagnosed until I entered middle school, when hormones had begun to play a factor in my migraines. I was episodic (less than 15 migraines a month) for many years. During that time, I discovered many triggers like weather, foods, hydration, physical exertion, noise, sound and sleep. 

"After college, my episodic migraines became chronic and daily. The stress of adulthood and my job working in special education changed my life and brain. 

"My migraines continued throughout both of my pregnancies and were very complicated and constant during this time. After starting my family, I became a stay-at-home mom and started my blog. My life has changed drastically through blogging and sharing personal stories of my journey. 

"I have become a health advocate, raising funds for research and support for migraine and headache disorders, sharing important information, reviewing products, and shedding light on how migraine is more than a headache.

"I now teach preschool children and writing for adults. I live my life looking for the silver lining. Influencing the next generation is crucial to me - as is making each of my readers feel better every time they engage with my blog. 

"Each day, I wake up grateful and inspired to find accessible help for myself and everyone living with migraine disease. My journey is still in progress, despite the pain."

Articles By Sarah Rathsack

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Date of preparation: March 2024
D: COB-GB-NP-00453 (V1.0) / T: COB-GB-NP-00451 (V1.0) / M: COB-GB-NP-00452 (V1.0)