Modern Slavery Act Statement

We continue in our commitment to support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
Teva UK is a largely commercial organisation, including sales, marketing, medical and various support functions, such as finance and technology. At Teva Runcorn, we have a large manufacturing facility and a significant Research and Development presence. As part of our commitment to preventing acts of slavery and human trafficking from occurring within both our business and our supply chain and conducting our business with honesty and integrity, we expect the same high ethical standards from our suppliers. Our responsibility in this area includes creating awareness and understanding of human rights and employment practices. We incorporated these principles into our Code of Conduct, strategies, policies and procedures, and by continuing to live out our values, we will uphold our basic responsibilities to our people and our environment.
We review our policies and practices on an ongoing basis to ensure we continue to meet and uphold these ethical standards. We educate, inform and engage in dialogue with employees and vendors to ensure all those covered by this position are aware of our expectations and their responsibilities. We acknowledge the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as a guiding reference for our policies and approach to human rights.
We continue in our commitment to support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. We uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, and the effective abolition of child labour. Ensuring that we maintain the highest moral and ethical standards regarding labour practices remains a priority at Teva.
Modern Slavery Act Statements - 2023
If you require any further information about Teva's Modern Slavery Report, please contact us.

Prevention of Corruption
Teva UK Limited complies with Teva's Prevention of Corruption Policy

Our Impact
We are dedicated to promoting health and increasing access to treatment for patients