Working in a regulated environment

As a UK based pharmaceutical company Teva is subject to a variety of laws and regulations regarding the patenting, efficacy, testing and marketing of medicines
These regulations also govern what we can and can't say in all our communications, including this website.
In addition, we comply with our statutory responsibilities as a UK based business.
Teva UK Limited, as part of the Teva group, is subject to various anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, such as the Bribery Act 2010 and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Find out more about what this means for Teva and businesses working for Teva in our Anti-Corruption area.
What we can say and why
Some areas of Teva’s website are restricted to members of the healthcare profession only.
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) is a trade association for the pharmaceutical industry in the UK. It employs a voluntary Code of Practice for industry, and this is administered by The Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA). The Code covers:
- the promotion of medicines for prescribing to healthcare professionals
- the provision of information to the public about prescription only medicines in the UK
Although Teva is not a member of the ABPI, we do abide by the voluntary Code of Practice.
You can be confident that we have robust procedures in place to ensure compliance with the ABPI Code of Practice.
The Code of Practice aims to ensure that pharmaceutical companies conduct themselves and their promotional activity in a responsible, ethical and professional manner.
It sets out what information pharmaceutical companies are able to provide to healthcare professionals, and what information we can offer to members of the public - in advertisements, press announcements, or on websites such as this one.
It’s for this reason that some areas of Teva’s website are restricted to members of the healthcare profession only. You can always contact Teva for further information if you have more questions.

Gender Pay Report
Gender pay reporting legislation requires companies to publish statutory calculations every year

Our Impact
We are dedicated to promoting health and increasing access to treatment for patients